k o rpo ras i dan mar ak ny a pe mbe li an s ah am o le h i nv e sto r p ad a s aham- sah am
Bu rs a s aham A S be rha si l m en guat pad a s es i K ami s se iri ng op tim is me akan memb ai knya
e arn ing
ber per f orm a ter bai k yang ke mud ian men gan gkat in de ks S& P 50 0 di atas l evel t ekni s p en tin g. Saham- sah am s emi kon du ktor men jad i s ala h s atu s ek to r d enga n pe rfor ma te rba ik
dan tur ut m emb antu men gan gkat k i ner ja N asd aq s ete lah M ic ro n Te ch no lo gy In c men c atat l aba k uart alan yan g mel amp aui pro y ek s i an al is . P ert umb uh an l aba k orp or asi se ca ra
lu as d ih arap kan da pat m emb antu pas ar me ngat asi k ek haw ati ran ten tang ke rus uh an d i Ti mur Ten gah d an A fri ka Utara d an k r is is J epa ng tah un i ni . I nd eks Dow Jon es < . DJI > nai k
84, 54 p oin a tau 0, 70 % ke 1 2, 170 . 56, S & P5 00 <S PX . > n aik 12 ,1 2 p oi n atau 0 ,9 3% ke 1, 30 9. 66 dan N asd aq <. I XI C > n aik 38 ,1 2 p oi n atau 1 ,4 1% k e 2, 736 . 42.
Harga mi ny a k d an em as s edi k it m ele mah m enyu su l aks i amb il un tun g p el aku p asar s ete lah har ga ko mo di tas t ers ebu t be rhas i l men emb us leve l
res is ta nc e
tekn is . Har ga C ru de A S
<CL c 1> tu ru n 15 s en ke 10 5, 60 US D pe r bare l. Mi ny ak me ntah B re nt L on do n <L CO c1 > n ai k 17 s en k e 1 15, 72 U SD p er ba rel d i ten gah k e k haw ati ran t ent ang pas oka n mi ny ak L ibi a
set ela h b er ita ba hw a s eb uah j et tem pur P ran ci s - ya ng meru paka n bagi an dar i koal is i PB B - tel ah men ghan c urka n pes aw at Li bi a.
in v es tor s eb agai me kani sme am bi l un tun g. S eb el umn y a e mas s emp at men c etak
Harga ema s jat uh s etel ah b erh asi l men gua t ke re kor ter tin ggi , di tun j ang ol eh ak s i
tec hn ic al s el li ng
rek o r l eve l ter tin ggi s epa nj ang mas a di 1 ,4 47 .40 USD p er tr oy ou nc e, di duku ng o leh kekha wat iran akan ko ndi s i hu tang d i Un i-Er op a, k ek e ras an di Timu r Ten gah d an A fri ka U tara,
dan ket akuta n atas i nfl asi . Har ga s po t emas < XA U=> tu run 0 ,3 % k e 1, 432 .3 5 USD p er ou nc e.
Eur o b erh as il me ngu at t erh ada p d ol la r A S dit op ang ol eh op ti mis me bah w a p emi mpi n-p emi mp in Un i-E rop a a kan mamp u men gend al ikan k ri si s po li ti k d an utan g d i Po rtu gal.
Jatu hny a p emer in tah Po rtu gal me ny us u l pen gun du ran d iri P erd ana M ent eri S o c rates d ip re di ks i akan m enj ad i is u utam a yan g men dom in asi p er temu an pu nc ak par a p emi mpi n Un i
Ero pa pad a h ari K ami s dan Ju mat in i, d im ana p emer in taha n Li sb on b erad a dal am tek an an k uat un tu k me nc ari p aket ba il out d ari l uar.
Eur o te rc atat m engu at 0 .6 % k e 1. 417 1 s etel ah sem pat n ai k hi ngga 1 .4 220 . Sebe lu mnya e uro s emp at an jl ok h in gga 1, 40 53 s ete lah le mba ga pe meri ngka t Mo od y 's men ur un k an
per in gkat 3 0 b ank S p any o l den gan sat u h in gga d ua der aja t. Semen tar a it u F i tc h ju ga me moto ng per in gkat k r edi t P or tugal s eba nyak d ua tin gkat d an men ggari sb aw ahi b ahw a
ris ik o p emb iaya an P or tuga l n aik se tel ah parl em en gagal mel ol os kan la ngkah- lan gkah kon so li das i f is k al da n P erd ana Me nte ri men gun du rk an di ri . Par a p emi mpi n Ero pa
di per kirak an tid ak akan m enga mbi l kepu tu san me ngen ai pe ngu atan d ana bai lo ut zo na eu ro pad a p ert emu an pun c ak mi ng gu i ni , da n d it und a h in gga Jun i m end atan g. A na lis
memp erki rakan p er ke mba ngan i ni s eb enar ny a c end eru ng ne gati f, mes kip un t ida k s erta me rta ak an me mic u ak s i ju al pa da eur o.
Kua tnya kin erj a e uro d id uku ng o le h eksp ektas i k en aik an s uk u b ung a EC B bu lan A pr il men da tang un tuk men ahan t ekana n i nfl as i. K ond is i in i ( ji k a te rj adi ) akan me ni ngkat kan
di feren si as i im bal h asi l an tara Er op a d an A mer ika, dim ana Th e Fed akh ir-a khi r i ni men egas k an ak an me mp ertah anka n su k u bu nga ti ngkat yan g san gat ren dah u nt uk jan gk a wa k tu
A me rik a un tuk b ul an Febr uar i me ngal ami p enu run an cu kup taj am, me ngi nd ikas i kan
yang b el um di ten tukan . Data K ami s 2 4 M are t me nun j ukkan
D ura bl e Go ods Or ders
per lamb atan p ada s ektor m anu faktur . Terh ad ap y en, d ol lar A S c en de run g fl at dan d itu tup d il evel 8 0, 97 yen <JP Y=>, a k si i nte rv en si gab un gan hi ngga s aat i ni c u kup be rha si l
men ahan v o lat il ita s y en. P el aku pas ar di pe rkir akan mas ih a kan mew as pad ai aks i
in terv e ns i lan ju tan j ik a do ll ar tur un d i baw ah 80 yen .
title cover
Friday, March 25, 2011
Nikkei rises on foreign buying, ex-dividend date eyed
TOKYO (Reuters) - The Nikkei share average rose on Friday, helped by buying by foreigners as they took heart from gains in U.S. stocks on optimism about forthcoming earnings reports, although they will continue cautiously monitoring developments at Japan's troubled nuclear power plant.
Foreign investors' net buying of Japanese shares reached a record high in the week after a devastating earthquake hit northeastern Japan, Ministry of Finance data showed, while Japanese investors bought foreign bonds despite widespread speculation that they would repatriate funds.
Overseas investors bought a net 891 billion yen ($11 billion) in Japanese stocks in the week of March 14-18, the highest since records began in 2005.
Some analysts said that foreign buying may continue before the ex-dividend date on March 28.
"There was selling pressure around the 9,500-mark (in the past few days), but we may see the index top this level, supported by buying by investors who want dividends," said Hideyuki Okoshi, general manager at Chibagin Securities.
Analysts also said the overall market got a lift as investors bought on dips, with some technical indicators showing that Japanese stocks are heavily oversold.
The Nikkei is now trading about 6 percent below its 25-day moving average at 10,115.
"Also, more than 60 percent of stocks on the Tokyo stock exchange's main board are trading below their book value, so it's time to buy back shares while watching problems at the nuclear plant carefully," said Hiroichi Nishi, general manager at Nikko Cordial Securities.
At the midday break, the benchmark Nikkei average .N225 was up 1.0 percent, or 94.13 points, at 9,529.14. The broader Topix gained 0.5 percent to 858.07. The Nikkei is expected to trade between 9,450 and 9,650 on Friday, analysts said.
"(In the medium term), psychological support is seen around 9,000, while there may be more room to rise as far as 9,800, which is near the 200-day moving average," said Mitsushige Akino, chief fund manager at Ichiyoshi Investment Management.
On Friday morning, the Nikkei's 200-day moving average was at 9,822.
Construction equipment makers were higher on expectations of reconstruction-related demand as well as higher resource prices. Komatsu Ltd (6301.T) rose 4.5 percent to 2,790 yen and Hitachi Construction (6305.T) gained 0.4 percent to 2,044 yen.
Shares in food processor Nichirei (2871.T) jumped 3.6 percent to 348 yen after the Nikkei business daily reported it would join forces with the Itochu group (8001.T) in the frozen-food business, taking on most of the lost production at a tsunami-damaged factory operated by an Itochu subsidiary in northern Japan.
Sony Corp (6758.T) gained 3.7 percent to 2,643 yen after Deutsche Securities raised its rating on the stock to "buy" from "hold" on expectations of rising sales in its chip and gaming businesses. ($1 = 80.985 Japanese Yen)
Foreign investors' net buying of Japanese shares reached a record high in the week after a devastating earthquake hit northeastern Japan, Ministry of Finance data showed, while Japanese investors bought foreign bonds despite widespread speculation that they would repatriate funds.
Overseas investors bought a net 891 billion yen ($11 billion) in Japanese stocks in the week of March 14-18, the highest since records began in 2005.
Some analysts said that foreign buying may continue before the ex-dividend date on March 28.
"There was selling pressure around the 9,500-mark (in the past few days), but we may see the index top this level, supported by buying by investors who want dividends," said Hideyuki Okoshi, general manager at Chibagin Securities.
Analysts also said the overall market got a lift as investors bought on dips, with some technical indicators showing that Japanese stocks are heavily oversold.
The Nikkei is now trading about 6 percent below its 25-day moving average at 10,115.
"Also, more than 60 percent of stocks on the Tokyo stock exchange's main board are trading below their book value, so it's time to buy back shares while watching problems at the nuclear plant carefully," said Hiroichi Nishi, general manager at Nikko Cordial Securities.
At the midday break, the benchmark Nikkei average .N225 was up 1.0 percent, or 94.13 points, at 9,529.14. The broader Topix gained 0.5 percent to 858.07. The Nikkei is expected to trade between 9,450 and 9,650 on Friday, analysts said.
"(In the medium term), psychological support is seen around 9,000, while there may be more room to rise as far as 9,800, which is near the 200-day moving average," said Mitsushige Akino, chief fund manager at Ichiyoshi Investment Management.
On Friday morning, the Nikkei's 200-day moving average was at 9,822.
Construction equipment makers were higher on expectations of reconstruction-related demand as well as higher resource prices. Komatsu Ltd (6301.T) rose 4.5 percent to 2,790 yen and Hitachi Construction (6305.T) gained 0.4 percent to 2,044 yen.
Shares in food processor Nichirei (2871.T) jumped 3.6 percent to 348 yen after the Nikkei business daily reported it would join forces with the Itochu group (8001.T) in the frozen-food business, taking on most of the lost production at a tsunami-damaged factory operated by an Itochu subsidiary in northern Japan.
Sony Corp (6758.T) gained 3.7 percent to 2,643 yen after Deutsche Securities raised its rating on the stock to "buy" from "hold" on expectations of rising sales in its chip and gaming businesses. ($1 = 80.985 Japanese Yen)
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